意法半导体可持续发展方法 - ST(意法半导体)

Sustainability principles have been integrated into our core business practices and products for more than 15 years. At ST our company ethos is not only about placing our people and the environment at the heart of the way we operate, but is also about constantly finding ways to innovate and create products that improve the quality of life of the people who use them and that help address major societal challenges in energy saving, healthcare and security. In other words, this is the pursuit of what we at ST call “life.augmented”.
Our approach to sustainability is set out at a high level in ST’s Principles for Sustainable Excellence, our company’s Code of Conduct; and in a more operational way, in our Sustainability Strategy, which is updated regularly to ensure we remain focused on addressing our most material sustainability issues and is fully aligned with ST’s business strategy and stakeholders’ expectations.
Sustainability strategy Governance Stakeholder engagement
ST’s Sustainability mission is to be recognized as a world leader in innovation for sustainable development through excellence in our people, our products, the environment and the community.
ST manages sustainability in line with main international standards and guidelines, as outlined in our STs Principles for Sustainable Excellence, our company’s Code of Conduct.
In the interconnected world we operate in today, it is essential that we open and maintain dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders to understand their expectations and concerns.
Sustainability ratings and indices Involvement in networks Sustainability reports
ST receives questionnaires from extra-financial rating agencies throughout the year and endeavors to respond to them completely and transparently. You can access here our latest results.
ST aims to promote the electronic industry’s potential in all countries in where we operate. ST’s employees are members of or participate in many industry and international organizations.
ST has been publishing reports on its extra-financial performance since 1997. You can read here our latest Sustainability report and our archives.

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